Sunday, February 2, 2014

Jillian Challenge Results

Arm -0.5"
Bust -0.5"
Waist -1.5"
Belly -2.5"
Hips -0.5
Thigh 0
Calf 0
(I only measure the left side as far as arm, thigh, calf.)
Total -5.5"

Week 1 0
Week 2 -3.4
Week 3 -0.6
Week 4 -1.4
Total -5.4

I had 11 days where I doubled up on videos, whether it be another JM video, Turbo Jam, or T25.  I also had 3 days where I did the dvd along with the treadmill.  There was one day I took a rest day, the 25th, due to hip pain. 

I did not take 30 day result pics because I'm sure you won't see much of a change.  I will not be entering to win the money but I still feel like I won due to the friends I made during this challenge.  Now I am going to do a #stopandgivemethirty challenge to keep the accountability going but I don't think I will post every single day on that one.  Eric and I have started T25 now so having him along for the ride should help too.

I feel ok about the results.  I know if I had my eating in check a little more I would've seen better results but I guess it's better than gaining like I had been doing.  I always expect great results the first month so this has thrown me for a loop but it will not knock me down.

Now I hope you all have a wonderful Super Bowl Sunday.  I have to admit, I wish we didn't have company coming over because I was in the ER late last night with this one who thinks she's an Olympic gymnast.  She was trying to learn a front aerial and fell crashing into my bedroom wall while I was on the treadmill.   She rolled her ankle and pulled some ligaments in her foot so she is now in an air splint for the next week.  Cross your fingers it heals quickly because she has a dance competition on Saturday!